Continuing Education Needs Assessment Survey
Please indicate what topics you would like to have covered in a course.
Check column 1- if you need a course covering this topic.
Check column 2- if you are interested in this topic.
TopicsNeed a courseInterested in topic
Art Therapy
Behavioral Assessment
Brief Psychotherapy
Crisis Intervention
Death and Dying
Divorce Mediation
Domestic Violence
Dream Work
Drug Abuse
Ethical Issues in Diagnosis and Treatment
Family Therapy
Forensic Psychology
Geriatric Care
Group Therapy
Marital Therapy
Medical Disorders
MMPI/Objective Tests
Multicultural Issues
Neuropsychological Assessment
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
Organic Mental Disorders
Pain Management
Parenting Skills
Personality Disorders
Physical Rehabilitation
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Professional Burnout
Projective Testing
Sexual Dysfunction
Social Skills Training
Suicide Assessment & Treatment
Other (Specify):
1. What media format is preferred?
 a) on-site workshop
 b) book and test
 c) audio tape and test
 d) video tape and test
 e) on-line material and test
2. Which need is the primary determinant of your choice of media format?
 a) learning style
 b) disability -please describe:
 c) convenience
 d) cost
 e) other:
3. Indicate your need in regard to length of a course.
 a) shorter courses are preferred (5 hours or less)
 b) medium length courses (6-12 hours)
 c) longer courses with in-depth coverage of material (13+ hours)
 d) no particular need in regard to length
Select your highest degree obtained: 
Select your profession: 
Specify other:
Select your primary employment setting: 
Specify other:
Thank You! Your information will help us plan future CE courses.
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